
Friday, August 26, 2011

1205 and Panic

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let the few people that do read this that I am ok, of course it isn't like people are all that concerned but I can pretend. :)

First off, let me just give a shout to the Financial Aid department at NWACC. These wonderful people processed my financial aid application in a week! I mean they received it on August 12 and it posted August 19. That was incredible!!! I don't think that I would have been able to start classes if my aid had not posted.

I got my books on Monday and started work.  What I wasn't prepared for was the panic that set in when upon looking at my online classes seeing the full weeks worth of work set out on Monday. I have to say that there were deep breathing exercises involved. Well, that and totally ignoring it for a day.  I like to think that I am on track now and so far I am getting the work done. So, for now all is good.

I am working on an Associate degree in General Business with several technical certificates to pad it a bit.  If I can survive the Beginning Algebra I think everything will be fine.

Keep you fingers crossed and wish me luck!



1205 is the number of stitches in the final round of Coming Home. That's right, I have finally finished with the knitting of this piece and I am in the process of binding off the piece. I will get a picture of it as soon as I get it off of the needles.

More soon, but I have work to do and dragons to tend...TTFN

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