December 29, 2011
As I have stated before, I am going to be making some changes this year. I have decided to go public, as public as this blog is, with my struggles with my weight.
I am 5 feet tall and almost 41 years old. I would say that it was time to make some changes.
On January 1, 2012, how cliché is it to start on the New Year, I will post a picture of myself, my weight and measurements. This is not something that I do lightly. It is something that I am sure I am not the only one out there that needs to do this.
I am taking inspiration from Crazy Aunt Purl on this one.
It is not going to be easy…or fun. It is going to be hard and heart wrenching and embarrassing.
I am not doing this for pats on the back. I would really appreciate any negative comments, if any, to be kept to one’s self.
I would love to join Weight Watcher’s but being unemployed, I can’t afford it. This is my answer to that problem. I will blog.
I am going to try to post several times a week, I would love to post daily, but life happens.
I will fill in more information in the next couple of days.
As always I will be showing knitting progress and projects and basic stuff.
I don’t know if anyone even really reads this so, let’s see what the year brings.
Must tend the dragons…TTFN