
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Almost 2012

December 29, 2011

As I have stated before, I am going to be making some changes this year. I have decided to go public, as public as this blog is, with my struggles with my weight.

I am 5 feet tall and almost 41 years old. I would say that it was time to make some changes.

On January 1, 2012, how cliché is it to start on the New Year, I will post a picture of myself, my weight and measurements. This is not something that I do lightly. It is something that I am sure I am not the only one out there that needs to do this.

I am taking inspiration from Crazy Aunt Purl on this one.

It is not going to be easy…or fun. It is going to be hard and heart wrenching and embarrassing.

I am not doing this for pats on the back. I would really appreciate any negative comments, if any, to be kept to one’s self.  

I would love to join Weight Watcher’s but being unemployed, I can’t afford it. This is my answer to that problem. I will blog.

I am going to try to post several times a week, I would love to post daily, but life happens.

I will fill in more information in the next couple of days.

As always I will be showing knitting progress and projects and basic stuff.

I don’t know if anyone even really reads this so, let’s see what the year brings.

Must tend the dragons…TTFN

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

I truly hope that everyone out there had a really Merry Christmas. I hope that families were together and that family feuding was at a minimum.

The crew here at the Dragon barn are well and had a good Christmas. The kids were happy. The family well behaved, the adults.

As I get closer to New Years I am going to try to post more often. I am going to be making some very real changes here this year...changes in health, life and spirit.

Take care and hang on.


Thursday, December 22, 2011


Just a quickie this morning...

I pulled out my first semester of college with a 3.25!

I am totally excited about this.

I hope to do better next semester.  Please wish me luck.

I will be posting knitting pictures after Christmas as there are a few gift knits that I want to keep a surprise.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Year End and Year Beginning

Sorry for the long radio silence. Life has been crazy. School coming to a close and finals...OMG!!! Finals! After being out of school for 20+ years I have to say that I wasn't quite ready for just how much work school was going to be or for finals.

I can't believe that after a year that I am still unemployed. That has been really hard. I feel like my self worth has lowered because I don't get up every morning and go to a job. I mean, I do home school, but even with that I have fallen behind trying to keep up...if that makes any sense. I take care of my children, but I notice that I am not as patient as I should be because of how I feel. Of course, I am getting to that time in life when the change is looming on the horizon...

I really never planned on being out of work for a year. Of course, with the exception of people on Wall Street and the government, I don't think any of us expected the economy to tank this hard. It's Christmas time and I feel bad because I don't have the money to do the things I would like to for my kids or for D...and that breaks my heart.

Of course all of these things compound and grow and compound and grow...

I don't like the place that I am right weight, my in general. I am discontent and restless. I am sure that these things have to do with the fact that I have been unemployed for a's a vicious cycle.

I am going to make some changes in January. Start out cliche.

I think that I am going to take a page out of "Crazy Aunt Purl's" book and do a monthly check in...maybe more often. I have plans to take something very personal very public...well as public as this blog is...

For all of you our there coming for knitting content...I will have some to post soon. I am doing a couple of commission pieces and I will have the second done tonight/tomorrow morning and will post pics then.

You know the funny thing about tending to the's a lot like herding cats sometimes.