
Tuesday, August 30, 2011



It is finally off the needles! That's right folks, I have finished binding off the 1205 stitches of Coming Home

I promise, as soon as I get this thing blocked I will post some really good pictures of it.  I got to looking back and all the pictures show a different color of blues/green. I will take a picture with a real camera and not just a 10:30 pm picture on my Droid...

I have to say that this has been my most challenging lace to date. While I am ssssoooooo glad to be done with this piece, I have to admit I am excited with the idea of getting to start a new piece of lace.

The next lace on the needles is Off The Deep End.

It is named this as there was a 992 cast on. Also, after the first 3 join and knit in the round then you have to kitchner 200+ stitches. I am predicting that I WILL be able to do kitchner when I am done with this one. I will post pictures of it as soon as there is something worth looking at. At the moment I am about half way through row 2.

School update...

I am happy to report that I was able to turn in all of my work, on time, the first week. I received my grade in English Comp and was happy to have received 10 out of 10 possible.  Now if I can survive the math test on Wednesday I will be really happy.

I am finding that the online classes are more involved than I really expected them to be. That's ok though. It's amazing how much more appealing housework is when one is procrastinating. Tee Hee!!

Anyway, so far so good. It feels really good to have a purpose to my days. The days don't seem quite as blue as they were for now. I still have moments, hours and, lets face it, days that I am really, really blue. Some days that I still want to just tell the world to go away. I think it will get better.

Gotta get to homework, algebra - God help me, and housework. Both seem never ending. More soon and new gratuitous baby pics.

Gotta tend the dragons...TTFN

Friday, August 26, 2011

1205 and Panic

Just wanted to drop a quick note to let the few people that do read this that I am ok, of course it isn't like people are all that concerned but I can pretend. :)

First off, let me just give a shout to the Financial Aid department at NWACC. These wonderful people processed my financial aid application in a week! I mean they received it on August 12 and it posted August 19. That was incredible!!! I don't think that I would have been able to start classes if my aid had not posted.

I got my books on Monday and started work.  What I wasn't prepared for was the panic that set in when upon looking at my online classes seeing the full weeks worth of work set out on Monday. I have to say that there were deep breathing exercises involved. Well, that and totally ignoring it for a day.  I like to think that I am on track now and so far I am getting the work done. So, for now all is good.

I am working on an Associate degree in General Business with several technical certificates to pad it a bit.  If I can survive the Beginning Algebra I think everything will be fine.

Keep you fingers crossed and wish me luck!



1205 is the number of stitches in the final round of Coming Home. That's right, I have finally finished with the knitting of this piece and I am in the process of binding off the piece. I will get a picture of it as soon as I get it off of the needles.

More soon, but I have work to do and dragons to tend...TTFN

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Times Are A Changin here at the dragon is going through some any change, it is stressful.

My youngest, J started 1st grade house, even though S and I are here, is so quiet. For as irritated as I would get at him...I miss him being here.

My daughter S is beginning the home stretch of study for her diploma...long hard year in front of us.

My daughter R has expressed interest in going to school to become a phlebotomist...and she is a new to follow.

My partner D is starting to create HIS website...and it will be incredible.

I am starting classes on Monday at NWACC, 15 hours of classes. I didn't make this decision lightly...but...when I applied for a job as a secretary only to be informed that I wasn't qualified, I've done this work for 20+ years, because I didn't have a degree and no, experience means nothing, jerk offs, I decided that it was time. What really scares me is the number of people that are doing the same thing...only they have been out of work for 2 years or more...9 months isn't so bad I guess.

I have my classes scheduled to take 4 online and my one in class is beginning algebra...God help me. My math class is in the evening. Plus, apparently when you are a dislocated worker...FAFSA...they process your application...IMMEDIATELY...I'm talking less than 24 hours. My financial aid is suppose to fund by Friday. I just submitted the application last Friday.

I am going for a general business degree, but was informed that there are 6 technical certificates that I can acquire while getting the degree by managing my classes properly so I will be creating a spreadsheet today to keep track. If I can get them without too much extra trouble I'm all in.

Theoretically I can...get a full time job...go to school full time...home school one child...manage the education of my contract for D's work...manage a home...clean and keep laundry up and see to every ones care and comfort.

At this moment, I am very overwhelmed by the daunting task that lays before me...but...I am also kind of excited...but REALLY scared of failing.

There has been knitting...I am 8 rows away from finishing "Coming Home" yes, I know that the baby has already come home...I am to the decrease rows on my "Winter Clapotis" ...There has also been needlepoint...

Yes, I have been using the needlepoint to avoid knitting...but it's been a nice break.

Also, just so you little Tomcat has been properly attired for his outings in damp, cool weather...

Why yes, that is the "Stroller Blanket" that is snuggling that sweet child...of course I understand it you don't see the blanket because of the sweet frown and pouting lip...

Must go tend the dragons...they are really restless and loud...TTFN

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Time To Meet and Greet

Sorry for the delay.  Life has been hectic.

I'm still unemployed. I find that there are a lot of people out there that have been out of work much longer than I have been. I met a man Thursday that had managed a company for 12 years and was let go because he didn't have a degree. TWO YEARS!

I applied for a secretarial position only to be told that I needed a BA to answer their phones...I am REALLY glad that no one has to talk to them about me...I kind of lost it.

I had to file an extension on my unemployment...the only one thing of the obama administration that I can think of being of any benefit to the regular population.

I have decided to go back to school to get a degree so I can answer someones phone...For being out of school 22 years only having to take remedial algebra isn't too bad. This is where I met the man that was out of work 2 years...when I paid to take my placement test.

We have had some excitement though...drum roll please!!!!

May I introduce my little TomCat:

He came to us on August 6 at about 6 pm a whopping 6 lbs and 9 oz and 18 inches long. We had a scare though as the cord was around his neck, but we were blessed as he is perfect.  I have to say that I am pretty sure that he is happy to be able to move around.

This is where he had been living:

Let us just say...there wasn't much room left in there.  Of course I don't know if they are fond of him or not...

Rrrriiiiggggttttt...Just try prying this kid out of his Mommy and Daddy's arms and you are libel to pull back a stump.

We are all very much in love with this little wonder. Mommy and baby both did beautifully and Daddy is all puffed up as this is his son. R is a very good Mommy and Da is a very good Daddy.

Of course Nana and Grandpa are pretty taken with him too and he really likes his Auntie S and Uncle J.

Life is good...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Normal...Then...Not So Normal

All my life it seems that I have been told that I am either "ashamed of my raising", because I wanted more than I had as child. That I need to be more "normal". Or the big one..."can't you cook anything normal?"

Now you may think that this is really an odd thing to be writing about, but I have been told/ asked by no less than 4 people that I loved/loved "Can't you just cook anything normal?"

I love food! I think about food constantly. I LOVE to cook and bake.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE trying new things and ethnic food...I think that food is just...incredible. Of course, I am short and overweight, but I know why...I don't hate me because I am fat. I'm's that simple.

The first person to ask me this question was my grandmother...this question revolved around a lasagna that I made. She didn't cook things like that. She was from the "old school", meat and potatoes. Food that fed you, nourished you and was utilitarian. Nothing wrong with it, was very thankful to have it growing up. I do not remember a meal, apart from breakfast, when a bowl of beans as a protein source were not on the table. This includes holidays...Because I wanted to eat differently I was dubbed "ashamed of my raising" and "can't you cook anything normal?"

The second person was my ex-husband. I made Chinese food. Something very Americanized, sweet and sour pork or the like, and I made fortune cookies from scratch to go with it. Needless to say, he was not impressed. The question of "can't you just cook anything normal?" was put out there as he walked out the door to go to Wendy's to get a burger.

The third time I was asked this question was by my step-mother. My step-mother and I have never gotten along. She doesn't like me, I don't care for her. At the time I was staying with her and my father and was doing the cooking and cleaning. I had made a really nice vegetarian stew with couscous and had sauteed chicken on the side. At the time, I also had a 11 year old that was a "vegetarian". My father, my daughter R, my son J and I were all enjoying the stew and my step mother looked me square in the face and said "Can't you ever cook anything normal?" Did I mention that the stew was completely organic? Did I mention that my step-mother is a morbidly obese woman? She was not impressed.

The last time I was asked this question...last night. D and I were talking about dinner and I mentioned making "Cuban" sandwiches. D has been under A LOT of stress lately, but he turns to me and with a snarl says "Can't you just cook something normal?!" I have to say of all the times I have been asked this question...I think this one hurt the worst.

For D and the kids, warmed up smoked pork, corn and steamed broccoli...*yawn*...

I, however, made carnita there!

On a different note...if there is anyone out REALLY need to watch this!!! It is hilarious!!!

                                                                 The Llama Song

This is one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen!!!

Well, must go tend the dragons...I will post about the UFO month of July soon...TTFN